Monday, January 19, 2015

Why I am a Springsteen fan

Okay, I am constantly asked "Why do you like Springsteen so much?" so I will paint this answer for you. In short, the two main reasons I love Springsteen are:
1. He wrote (writes) great songs.
2. He is a great live performer.
The period of time between 1974 to 1988, to me is QUINTESSENTIAL Bruce Springsteen. He was so cool during this time frame. The peak, in my opinion, are the years between 1975-1981. He was so amazingly on his A game at that time. Of that period 1978 looms largest as his absolute pinnacle year. He did not decline, in my opinion until 1990. In 1990 he briefly resurfaced while taking a hiatus from touring and releasing albums. It was obvious he had changed. The period from 1992 to 1994 represented a very different Springsteen. While his live show was still great, his muse had changed.

Anyway, back to the main point of this post...
In 1978 he released an album called "Darkness on the Edge of Town" (cover picture below)

At the time it was released Bruce had been barred from releasing a new album for 3 years, due to a legal fight with his former manager. His previous album Born To Run was a classic. To have to wait 3 years for a follow up was like career suicide at the time. Once he was able to go back in the studio he released a rocking, darker-themed record... and he hit the road to back it up. The shows were epic. Noted then, as now, for their fiery passion, volatile performances, and blazing guitar work, the Darkness Tour remains a cherished period in Bruce's career. Many of the shows were broadcast on FM radio in the Northeast, resulting in many fine bootlegs. Also, some great video footage has surfaced of this legend in his prime...

Here is some good video of THE BOSS on the darkness tour...

"Prove It All Night"

"Streets of Fire"

THAT is the Springsteen I think of, when I think of "Bruce Springsteen"...

Anyway, Springsteen from 1975 to 1981 is my favorite period in his career (with the main emphasis being on 1978).

How could you not love a guy who takes photos like these (from 1978)...

ROCK ON Bruce!!!!!!!

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