Tuesday, May 26, 2015

New church home? Nope.

I am writing this about Huisache Avenue Baptist Church. I have been attending there of late and I enjoy it very much. The pastor there is a very good guy (Bez Cummings) who seems to know a lot about the word and he seems to be a good preacher. His wife committed suicide last year at some point. He has three sons. Very sad. I am hoping that this church will be my new church home. Izzy is reluctant to commit 100% to this church, but she has been attending. We will see!

!!!UPDATE!!! (3/13/2021)

We left that church shortly after writing the above paragraph. The man Bez Cummings married his blond sweetie pie about 6 months after his wife committed suicide. He kept the van she supposedly shot herself in (at Woodlawn lake, he told me). They had three kids. I spoke with a young man from the church who seemed to imply there was some malfeasance. My theory: Bez had an affair, his wife found out about it, despondent she killed herself. With her gone, Bez married his mistress and bim bam, happy days!

Anyway, ol' Bez was an odd guy. I got a total bad vibe about how he just "moved on" from his wife's suicide. Did he have a more direct involvement? Who knows?

Blaine is 3 now

My son Blaine is 3 years old now. Time flies. He is an awesome kid and his mother and I love him very much!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Things that Interest me

Here is a list of things that greatly interest me!  Note: They are NOT listed in order of importance! They are listed in the order they occurred to me...

01. The Titanic disaster
02. Bigfoot/Sasquatch (debunking)
03. Custer's last stand
04. The Alamo Battle
05. The Apollo moon landings
06. Debunking other paranormal junk
07. Dinosaurs
08. Planets/Outer space exploration
09. Imperial Rome/Ancient history
10. Cultural anthropology
11. Refuting Evolution
12. The JFK assassination
13. William Shakespeare
14. Beautiful (latina/brunette) women
15. The strange and unexplained
16. Amazing tales of Survival
17. Movies (Coen Brothers/Spaghetti Westerns, etc.)
18. Music (listening to, and creating)
19. Art/Painting/Drawing/Cartoons
20. Halloween/Scary Stuff
21. Military History (WWI, Vietnam, Civil War, etc.)
22. Motorcycles
23. Serial Killers/True Crime
24. Noah's Ark
25. Out of Place Artifacts
26. The Antediluvian world
27. Politics
28. Poetry
29. Other Sports (Boxing, Football, UFC)
30. African Big Game hunting/Safari

But most of all...

God/The Bible/Jesus Christ the Lord!!!!

-Mike Walk

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ben Warfield and the mysterious Bed visitor

As was our wont, we went as a family to visit my old Granny one weekend when I was a young 'un. I musta been about 9 or 10 maybe. In addition to mama and daddy, it was me, my brother Ray, my other brother Jack, and my sister Edna made the trip. We traveled the 200 or so miles in our poor old wagon up from the small town of Bassmouth, clear up to Jackdaw where Granny lived.

We pulled in late, after dark the day after we started out. Needless to say we was purty tired and wore out from the long trip. At bedtime, we all sorted out where we was a gonna be sleeping and it was decided I would sleep at the top of the stairs with my brother Ray. I never had much say in the matter as I was just a dumb little kid at the time. But, I was used to sleeping up there and to be honest, I was always skeered when sleeping the night at Granny's. Her old house was a big ol' mansion that had been there fer many a long year. I figgered there's been plenty of folks a dying in and around that old place. So the place always seemed a bit hainted to me. Course my brothers and sister always played up the idea purty heavy, making sure to relay horrible scary tales that they maintained was as true as scripture.

Well, anyhow, on that night I climbed in bed, completely wore out by the days events. I forgot to mention that we done a few chores when we first got to Granny's that used up whatever energy we had left. So by bed time I was finished. So I clumb into bed and fell asleep in Granny's store bought sheets. I don't know when it was, but at some point I felt my brother climb in bed over yonder on the other side of the bed. The bed creaked as he sat down. He sat there for a great long while and then finally laid down. I was barely awake enough to realize all this, but a feller knows when someone climbs into bed with him. I was aware that my brother didnt grab the covers er nothing. Just laid there. I was too tired to talk, or say anything other than a mumbled "nite" as I faded back asleep, noting momentarily there was no reply.

The following morning I woke up with the sun. Light filled the chamber through the window. I briefly thought about how silly Ray would look laying on top of the covers with his clothes on. Expecting to see that I looked over and seen that he warn't there. I could tell he'd been laying there as I noticed that the bed clothes was pressed down in the shape of a person sure enough.

I made my way downstairs and the scent of bacon and eggs cooking wafted into my nose. I was powerful hungry. When I got down to the breakfast table, I seen Mama, Daddy, Granny, and Edna sitting around the table. Eating.

"Come getcher plate!" said Granny. Which I did. There was plenty.

As we sat eating I heard the conversation, and absent-mindedly noted the fact that my brothers were not there. I larnt that it was best to listen well before askin' dumb questions, so I listened very well to try and figger out where they were, and why I wasn't invited. After a minute or two I got the gist. And it made the breakfast I was eating taste flat and strange as I contemplated the previous night's events.

It seems the boys had gone to camp out next to Mosstop river last night. And had not returned yet. But were expected any minute. Edna, I gathered, had slept in the little room near the sitting room. Daddy had asked her how she liked sleeping in there and she said it was very nice, as the window let in a perfect breeze. She claimed to have slept very well last night.

I couldn't help but wonder then who or what had crawled into bed with me? Made the food stick in my throat.

So I asked Daddy, figuring the answer would be yes, if he had bunked with me at any point last night.

"No." he said. "But I did have to look in on you at one point."
"Why?" I asked.
"I heard you laughing. What were you laughing about in the middle of the night, son?"
"It was either laughing or crying... I figured you warnt crying. Pass me the salt son."

The subject was never mentioned again.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ben Warfield and the Church Visitors

We was at Granny's house one night jest gittin' ready to eat supper when Granny come in and told us to git ready to eat. So we had to go warsh up and clean our hands and whatnot to git ready. Me and m'eldest brother was in the bathroom gettin' ready, a-warshin' our hands when I heard a slight commotion from the dining room. Me and Ray went in there to take a looky see at what the matter was and found Granny settin' on the chair fanning herself. She looked plumb peakid. "Oh law." she said. A minor enquiry brought out a tale of phantasmagorical weirdness of the highest order.

It seems while setting the places out for dinner Granny mentioned that there would be 7 eating tonight. And since there was only 5 family members in the house that night, that struck pappy sort of odd. So he inquired about it. Well, that we knowed of, there was only me, m'brother Raylon, Granny, m'Daddy, and Mama in the house that evening.

"How ya figger 7 Ma?" Daddy asked her.
"Those two gentlemen from the church are here." she replied.
"What two gentlemen?"
"They're in the sitting room now." said Granny.

But a quick inspection of the sitting room proved that there warn't nobody there and maybe never was. There was mud found on the carpet. Ray said he could see faint footprints. To me it just looked like muddy smudges on the carpet. I experienced the faint odor of soil in the room. Like fresh dug earth. Never smelled anything like that at Granny's house before then.

"I was just speaking with 'em a few moments ago." said Granny "They knocked on the door and said they would sure appreciate a bite to eat. Said they was from the church. They said they hadn't eaten for so long. I didn't mind feeding em and told em to sit in the sitting room."

But there warn't no one. Never was as far as I can tell. Daddy thought Granny had lost her mind or something. Fact is I smelled that smell in there. And I know good and well the church has a graveyard within its grounds.

And judging from her pale face and her shocked behavior it was clear to me Granny felt that something supernatural had visited that night,

Monday, January 19, 2015

Why I am a Springsteen fan

Okay, I am constantly asked "Why do you like Springsteen so much?" so I will paint this answer for you. In short, the two main reasons I love Springsteen are:
1. He wrote (writes) great songs.
2. He is a great live performer.
The period of time between 1974 to 1988, to me is QUINTESSENTIAL Bruce Springsteen. He was so cool during this time frame. The peak, in my opinion, are the years between 1975-1981. He was so amazingly on his A game at that time. Of that period 1978 looms largest as his absolute pinnacle year. He did not decline, in my opinion until 1990. In 1990 he briefly resurfaced while taking a hiatus from touring and releasing albums. It was obvious he had changed. The period from 1992 to 1994 represented a very different Springsteen. While his live show was still great, his muse had changed.

Anyway, back to the main point of this post...
In 1978 he released an album called "Darkness on the Edge of Town" (cover picture below)

At the time it was released Bruce had been barred from releasing a new album for 3 years, due to a legal fight with his former manager. His previous album Born To Run was a classic. To have to wait 3 years for a follow up was like career suicide at the time. Once he was able to go back in the studio he released a rocking, darker-themed record... and he hit the road to back it up. The shows were epic. Noted then, as now, for their fiery passion, volatile performances, and blazing guitar work, the Darkness Tour remains a cherished period in Bruce's career. Many of the shows were broadcast on FM radio in the Northeast, resulting in many fine bootlegs. Also, some great video footage has surfaced of this legend in his prime...

Here is some good video of THE BOSS on the darkness tour...

"Prove It All Night"

"Streets of Fire"

THAT is the Springsteen I think of, when I think of "Bruce Springsteen"...

Anyway, Springsteen from 1975 to 1981 is my favorite period in his career (with the main emphasis being on 1978).

How could you not love a guy who takes photos like these (from 1978)...

ROCK ON Bruce!!!!!!!