Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Recent Spaghetti Western viewings

Here is the latest round of SW's I've enjoyed recently:

* = not too good / boring
** = ok, I guess
*** = good.
**** = excellent
***** = classic!

Tequila Joe ***
Bullet in the Forehead ***½
Long Days of Revenge ***
The Tramplers ***½
Arizona Colt (man from nowhere) **
Arizona Colt - Hired Gun ***½
Sartana's Here: Trade Your Pistol For A Coffin ***½
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly *****
Django Against Sartana **½
A Minute To Pray, A Second To Die ***½
A Man Called Django (W Django) ***½
One After Another ***½
The Brute and The Beast (Massacre Time) ***½
For a Few Dollars More (Blu-Ray) *****
Four of the Apocalypse ** 
Ben and Charlie ***
A Town Called Glory *** 
High Plains Drifter ****
Te Deum **½
Johnny Oro ***

(Updated August 2, 2013)

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