Saturday, October 5, 2013


Still have the lingering effects of bronchitis. It's been 1 week. Last couple nights I've had to sleep on the couch so as not to wake up Izzy and Blaine as they slumber. In addition to the usual coughing and runny nose, I have my annual bout with laryngitis. My voice is reduced to a horrible croak. Makes teaching a bear. Oh well.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Summer break 2013 is over

Well another fun summer is over. This summer I enjoyed my long walks, discovered "Bamberger Park", had my 46th birthday, did quite a bit of BBQ-ing, played several rounds of golf, got lasik surgery, had my teeth cleaned at the dentist, and watched tons of Spaghetti Westerns! All in all, despite a case of "hand, foot, and mouth virus", all went very well!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Blaine's swollen gland is all but gone!

On the evening of 7/31/13 Dad prayed over Blaine and laid hands on him. The next morning the lump on his neck was nearly all gone!! Praise the Lord!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Grilled some chicken!!

Today (or yesterday to be exact), I barbecued chicken (leg quarters). They turned out really good! Scrumptious!

Izzy gave me b-day gifts

Izzy presented me with an Amazon gift card, which I promptly used to order a Spaghetti Western DVD from wild east (nest of vipers) . She also got me 4 very nice shirts, brand is Chaps! Thanks Bootsie!!

Blaine has a swollen lymph gland

Poor Blainey has a swollen lymph gland in his neck, just below his right ear! Poor kid. First he got "hand, foot, and mouth disease", now this! I pray he gets over this soon!! I love him so much!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Dental visit

I am getting a dental cleaning. They said I needed a couple fillings. This is the first time I've ever gone to the dentist where I wasn't in agony. In the past I would only darken the door of a dental office if I was in excruciating pain.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Turned 46

Well, on July 26th I turned 46. Wow. While I believe age is just a number, I am not ignorant to the fact i am getting older. I will hold on to youth as long as I can. I truly feel no more than 25. We had a nice meal at CBQ out near Retama Park. Dad, John, Sarah, Kristin, Sue, Randy, Izzy, and Blaine was there. Then we went back to John's house for cake, and gifts. I had a great time. On my actual birthday Izzy took me to Luther's old fashioned hamburgers. A great b-day all around!!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

I’m a grill master!

Yesterday I made ribs, brisket, and sausage, and pit beans. Everything turned out good! The fam seemed to like it! Who knows what the next cookout will be!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Foot trouble!

I had a bizarre thing happen to me. My feet got a blister rash all over them. I'm not sure how it happened, but I'm pretty sure I caught "hand, foot, and mouth virus" from Blaine. The doctors said when we took him for treatment, that it isn't commonly contagious for adults. Guess that was wrong cuz I caught it. It started off with a nice 103 degree temperature. Wow, that was uncomfortable!! Two days later my feet broke out in this hideous rash of blisters. It hurt so bad for an entire week and a half. I couldn't even walk on them!! It felt like my feet had been hit by a swarm of bees! Here are some actual photos:

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Recent Spaghetti Western viewings

Here is the latest round of SW's I've enjoyed recently:

* = not too good / boring
** = ok, I guess
*** = good.
**** = excellent
***** = classic!

Tequila Joe ***
Bullet in the Forehead ***½
Long Days of Revenge ***
The Tramplers ***½
Arizona Colt (man from nowhere) **
Arizona Colt - Hired Gun ***½
Sartana's Here: Trade Your Pistol For A Coffin ***½
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly *****
Django Against Sartana **½
A Minute To Pray, A Second To Die ***½
A Man Called Django (W Django) ***½
One After Another ***½
The Brute and The Beast (Massacre Time) ***½
For a Few Dollars More (Blu-Ray) *****
Four of the Apocalypse ** 
Ben and Charlie ***
A Town Called Glory *** 
High Plains Drifter ****
Te Deum **½
Johnny Oro ***

(Updated August 2, 2013)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Backpacks stolen

Had a backpack stolen off my front porch! Nothing of great value in it, but still... It sucks!

Had a bag stolen out of the back of my truck

Couple years later a backpack was stolen out of my Jeep.

What did we learn?

Them backpacks walk away son!!!!

I love to listen to sermons

I have been enjoying lately! It is a great resource! There are thousands of sermons of every kind by hundreds of different preachers! Great! I have been listening to at least one sermon a day for like 2 weeks! Love it!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boston Bombing

Don't want to avoid saying something about the horrible terrorist action in Boston. It was a gutless act of cowardice. 3 innocent people killed. 170 plus injured, many if which are still in serious condition as of this writing. Why? I think it is because basically the Muslims hate us. Thanks to the Koran, many Muslims are motivated by their god to kill "infidels" wherever they can find them. The only good thing about it is that one of these human rats was killed. The eldest one. The ringleader. He was wounded, arrested and cuffed. Then his younger brother made a break for it and actually ran over his older brother, dragging him over 40 feet. Ha ha ha ha!!! GOOD!! Now the youngest one is in the hospital. It makes me sick!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


The debate between creationism and evolution is interesting. A vast gulf exists between the two sides with little or NO compromise. And how can there be? Darwinists think the world has existed for billions and billions of years. Most creationists think the world (or at least civilization) is no older than 6000 or so years old.

I myself am a "Young Earth Creationist". I think civilization came into being about 6000 years ago or so and the history of these events can be found in the Bible. I believe that The Bible is the inspired word of GOD!

One cannot be talked into one side or the other! One must be convinced in his own mind of the truth!!!

Update on things

Right now, I am on a diet. I just got over a slight illness (you know... Sore throat, cough, bronchitis, etc) seems to be going away after 1 week. Though the cough is still kinda there. Played golf today. Dad beat me 41 to 44 thru 9 holes.
I've been really into origins lately. Been debating evolutionists over the last few days.
So that's what's going on in my world!!