Friday, December 24, 2010

The True Meaning of Christmas

Let us all remember at this time the true meaning of Christmas. It isn't about getting a bunch of gifts and goodies, or going into debt, or running around all over creation searching for the right thing to buy. We should PRIMARILY celebrate the entrance into this world of our Lord and Savior, and Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. Over 2000 years ago our Lord humbled himself, stepped out of glory and took on the low form of a helpless infant. It is this event, more than anything else, that forms the heart and soul of our Holy Day (Holiday) known as Christmas. By the way, no one should try to tell our Jewish brothers that Hanukkah means something else. No one should try to redefine Ramadan to the Muslim adherent. So, as a Christian, I resist the re-naming and redefining, indeed the de-emphasizing of Christmas into a "Winter Holiday" or simply "Xmas" or anything else. This day is, and shall ever be, a time to reflect upon how amazing it was that God himself put on the form of a human being, in order to grow to manhood and then willingly give his precious life for our sins, paving the way, once and for all, for us to be able to one day join him in Heaven. Thank you Dear Lord for what you did (and continue to do)! And to every one... have a very blessed Christmas!

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