Monday, May 30, 2022

Jeep repair

Never park your car in the road. This happened. Someone hit my Jeep and ripped the whole front end off. Dang!!

Kind of jacked it up. I put it together with wire and zip ties. It actually looked… well, sort of ok.

We’ll  look at it now!!! Got the front end all fixed up!!


My dad


Shin shots 2022

This first one happened on 5/16/2022. It came when I slid my right shin across a screw poking up in the attic. The photo doesn’t do it justice. It was a deep bloody mess. I took this photo the next day. Wish i’d thought to photograph it right away. Oh well.

This one happened on 5/28/2022. While wading in the surf in Aransas Bay by Rockport Texas I some caught my left shin on a fairly large submerged piece of metal. At first I thought it was a tree limb or a stump or something. But no it was a round piece of metal. Anyway, when I walked up on shore it started bleeding pretty good. Ouch!!


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Blaine in Corpus Christi (the sequel)


Here are photographs from our return trip to Corpus Christi on Memorial Day weekend. 
