Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Ugly Truth About Democrats

 Democrats. They are honestly the most vile and evil force in American politics. Read on. Give me a chance. Over the course of our history they have proven to be an extraordinarily destructive force. They see America as a place where they can exploit our differences in order to acquire and keep power. The other major American party, the Republicans, have their own problems. But by and large, Republicans put forth a pro-American, America First, pro-Constitution party. Republicans keep trying to get along with and be nice to Democrats, but Democrats don’t see kindness. Only weakness. Anyone who is seen to be civil, polite, or humble is viewed by the Democrat as a weak moron, at best. Republicans are routinely labeled by Democrats as hate-mongers, racists, greedy, the party of white people only, homophobes, etc. While labeling themselves the party of “the little man”, “champion of minorities”, and defenders of freedom. History, however,  shows us something a good deal different.

The following is historical fact. Democrats were the party of slavery. The south were mostly Democrat controlled. The confederacy was run by Democrats, in fact the president of the Confederate States of America was a Democrat. Slave owners were mostly Democrats. The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) were 99% Democrats. Democrats also opposed emancipation, enforced “Jim Crow” laws, formed lynch mobs, opposed blacks right to vote, opposed women’s right to vote too (by the way), and encouraged segregation intensely!

Now? They position themselves as the party for minorities. But they actually EXPLOIT minorities and their concerns for their own benefit. They figured out in the 60’s that they could use black poverty and misery to empower themselves. Think about it.. poor people don’t need money to vote. So if you promise to give the impoverished ones free food and money, they will vote for you every time. They shifted the blame away from themselves, made Republicans the scapegoats, and attempted to lock up the minority vote permanently! The sad thing is, it has mostly worked. Why? How? Simple. They also took over the media. The major media, Hollywood, as well as all social media, is all controlled by Democrats. The only place where Republicans are represented in the media are on A.M. radio, Fox News (which is under CONSTANT attack by all other media), One America News (OAN), and several web blogs. All forms of conservative pro-Republican media is attacked constantly by the left (Democrats).

Lies, libels, slanders, accusations, and hate is pored out by the Democrat controlled media in order to crush dissent and destroy the truth. And the truth is... The Democrat Party are communists at worst, socialists at best. They want America to be simply a tiny spoke in the bigger wheel of a global socialist community. Democrats think they can parlay their power in America into a broader global power. It sounds cheesy I know. But it’s true. The Democrats actually dream about world domination with them in power.

But first things first. They must own America. They face fierce opposition by a silent majority of patriotic Americans who oppose the Democrat’s divide and conquer strategy. Why do you think protesters are deified, while patriots are vilified? Because in Democrat-America Patriots are portrayed as selfish, xenophobic, hateful, and greedy (which is not true). Protesters, who you might notice always fight AGAINST traditional American norms, are praised for their courage, bravery, and vision. In Democrat-America up is down and down is up. How did we get here? Through careful incrementalism. Very small steps. Think of it. Over time one could eat a whale if enough tiny bites were taken. That’s how they do it. You want to see an example of incrementalism? Here’s one (of many I could cite): in September of 2001 with 9/11 fresh in our minds, the media praised police officers for their heroism and selfless bravery. Fast forward to 2020. The media now portrays police officers as merciless killers of blacks. Cops went from heroes, to villains in 19 years. So much so that some people now actually call for DEFUNDING police departments!?!? And some have actually done it. Can you imagine the damage that will be done to our communities when the police have been removed? See, the Democrats WANT minority misery. Minority misery empowers Democrats!

Upchuck Shoomer...