Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ben Warfield and the Church Visitors

We was at Granny's house one night jest gittin' ready to eat supper when Granny come in and told us to git ready to eat. So we had to go warsh up and clean our hands and whatnot to git ready. Me and m'eldest brother was in the bathroom gettin' ready, a-warshin' our hands when I heard a slight commotion from the dining room. Me and Ray went in there to take a looky see at what the matter was and found Granny settin' on the chair fanning herself. She looked plumb peakid. "Oh law." she said. A minor enquiry brought out a tale of phantasmagorical weirdness of the highest order.

It seems while setting the places out for dinner Granny mentioned that there would be 7 eating tonight. And since there was only 5 family members in the house that night, that struck pappy sort of odd. So he inquired about it. Well, that we knowed of, there was only me, m'brother Raylon, Granny, m'Daddy, and Mama in the house that evening.

"How ya figger 7 Ma?" Daddy asked her.
"Those two gentlemen from the church are here." she replied.
"What two gentlemen?"
"They're in the sitting room now." said Granny.

But a quick inspection of the sitting room proved that there warn't nobody there and maybe never was. There was mud found on the carpet. Ray said he could see faint footprints. To me it just looked like muddy smudges on the carpet. I experienced the faint odor of soil in the room. Like fresh dug earth. Never smelled anything like that at Granny's house before then.

"I was just speaking with 'em a few moments ago." said Granny "They knocked on the door and said they would sure appreciate a bite to eat. Said they was from the church. They said they hadn't eaten for so long. I didn't mind feeding em and told em to sit in the sitting room."

But there warn't no one. Never was as far as I can tell. Daddy thought Granny had lost her mind or something. Fact is I smelled that smell in there. And I know good and well the church has a graveyard within its grounds.

And judging from her pale face and her shocked behavior it was clear to me Granny felt that something supernatural had visited that night,