Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boston Bombing

Don't want to avoid saying something about the horrible terrorist action in Boston. It was a gutless act of cowardice. 3 innocent people killed. 170 plus injured, many if which are still in serious condition as of this writing. Why? I think it is because basically the Muslims hate us. Thanks to the Koran, many Muslims are motivated by their god to kill "infidels" wherever they can find them. The only good thing about it is that one of these human rats was killed. The eldest one. The ringleader. He was wounded, arrested and cuffed. Then his younger brother made a break for it and actually ran over his older brother, dragging him over 40 feet. Ha ha ha ha!!! GOOD!! Now the youngest one is in the hospital. It makes me sick!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


The debate between creationism and evolution is interesting. A vast gulf exists between the two sides with little or NO compromise. And how can there be? Darwinists think the world has existed for billions and billions of years. Most creationists think the world (or at least civilization) is no older than 6000 or so years old.

I myself am a "Young Earth Creationist". I think civilization came into being about 6000 years ago or so and the history of these events can be found in the Bible. I believe that The Bible is the inspired word of GOD!

One cannot be talked into one side or the other! One must be convinced in his own mind of the truth!!!

Update on things

Right now, I am on a diet. I just got over a slight illness (you know... Sore throat, cough, bronchitis, etc) seems to be going away after 1 week. Though the cough is still kinda there. Played golf today. Dad beat me 41 to 44 thru 9 holes.
I've been really into origins lately. Been debating evolutionists over the last few days.
So that's what's going on in my world!!