Monday, December 26, 2011

Into Spaghetti Westerns again

Back into expanding collection. Got me a Christmas gift certificate to Amazon, and I'm gonna make it happen!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

5 Questions for Atheists

1. If there is NO God, why do they think about him so much? Isn't true atheism simply disbelief? It seems you actually have a personal vendetta against anyone who believes in God and think it is your place to convince them otherwise. Why?

2. If there is NO God, what caused random particles to coalesce into matter and then become life?

3. If there is no God, why do we even have a concept of God? Do we often, as humans, consider altering our lifestyles based on an unknown, unrevealed, non-existant, concept no one has ever considered? If not, who put it in the human mind that there was a creator God in the first place?

4. If there is no God, then what is the true purpose of life? Only serving selfish desires? Without God, or a higher moral authority, what is to keep us from simply becoming selfish pleasure-seeking monsters? Nothing.

5. If there is no God, where did morality and decency come from?